For all of you who are freaking out that I am going to prom, I'm posting a picture of the kid that is taking me.
His name is Hyrum Mack, or as my dad likes to call him, "Low Whiskey." His hair is a little longer now then when the picture was taken. I hope you all don’t think you are too old now that I’m going to prom. :) Love you all, -Aimee
Grandma was pretty T.O.ed when she found out I was asked to Prom but I didn't post anything about it. So I am now posting about it so she doesn't lost her top. A kid named Hyrum Mack asked me. He just emailed me and asked if I wanted to go with him and I said yes. I am wearing Emily's light pink dress, but for all of you who have forgotten what it looks like I will bring it up to Grandma's Sunday and try it on for all those who want to see it. (That is if Emily lets me bring it up.) Prom is April 12th, but I can't do a day activity because I have a Boy Scout Meeting for Aspen Ridge. I will post pictures for you all after the dance. :) Love you all, -Aimee